Saturday, October 6, 2012

Welcome To Hell : Intro

Hell. What is Hell? Is it a fiery pit of misery, full of souls of the damned?  Or a word that people say when they ‘re angry. Or is it an alternate universe where evil runs the show? Or is it more complicated and harder to understand. Or what if Hell really wasn’t Hell at all?

Some people will never know. I’m Jayden Young. My parents are Atheist so I didn’t really know much about heaven or hell. I knew that heaven was a place when Christians believes they go once they’d die to live in everlasting peace with God, and I knew Hell was a place where the evil and corrupt when to burn for all eternity.  That’s about it as far as I could tell you.  I learned all that from my friends Amy and Josh.

My friends Amy and Josh are both Christian. They respect my views, but Amy all way references the Bible when she can. Josh is a little more lose with his beliefs.  I try not to argue religion with them, but occasionally a fights bound to happened. I guess that’s where my story starts , during a fight with my friends about religion. Well maybe it starts a tad before that.

Here’s my story,

Welcome to Hell…..

P.S. I will be posting The Hunt Chapter 13 later today

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